Public Rollout and Official Launch Nov. 8, 2024
VMI commemorated Founders Day, the 185th anniversary of the Institute's beginning. As part of a day filled with hallmark events, VMI rolls out the strategic plan officially to the public.

Employee Rollout & Celebration Oct. 24, 2024
VMI employees attend an official plan rollout to ensure they understand their role in moving forward. Maj. Gen. Wins recognizes a number of individuals for their exemplary contributions.

Ironing Out the Details May 2024
An executive planning team begins conceptualizing the strategic plan, developing tasks and setting deadlines.

Brainstorming Initiatives in Action Jan.-Apr. 2024
Representatives from across post, including faculty, staff, and cadets, brainstorm numerous ideas for advancing each initiative.

Plan Approval Nov. 2023
The VMI Board of Visitors, the governing body of the Institute, receives a presentation on the Forging 21st Century Leaders Strategic Plan and approves it as the guide for the path forward.

Outlining the Next Steps Feb. - July 2023
The Strategic Plan Committee works through each initiative, with input from key stakeholders, to set objectives and measurements of effectiveness.

The Path Forward Jan. 2023
An off-site meeting of stakeholders finalizes the five key strategic initiatives that will guide VMI through the next decade.

Founding Principles Jan. 2023
A review and reaffirmation of the existing Institute mission and vision pave the way for a new plan that holds true to VMI's traditional role and values.

The Plan Begins to Take Shape Oct. 2022
The official process begins for drafting VMI’s new strategic plan, including establishing and launching focus groups of faculty, staff, alumni, and stakeholders.

An Assessment & Listening Tour 2021-2022
Maj. Gen. Wins meets with stakeholders on an assessment and listening tour, which informs his initial planning guidance.